Cool Japanという言い方はあまり好きではありませんが、このタイトルのCoolはまさしくジャパンのことです。この番組では日本の優れたところにスポットをあてて、その道の第一人者にゲストとして出演してもらい、学生たちと座談会を行います。
We’re not too fond of the term ‘Cool Japan’, but in this case the ‘Cool’ in the title really fits. This programme shines the spotlight on the amazing parts of Japanese culture and features guests at the top of their cultural professions who discuss the topic with students.
In designing the opening sequence for the programme, we used the reds and blues found in the traditional Japanese colour palette.
Drawing on this tradition was an expression that modern Japan has been created by all the cool things still visible in ancient Japan.