
Creative-Direction : N/A, Art Direction : N/A, Graphic Design : N/A, Photography : N/A, Videography : N/A, 3D/Animation : N/A, Web Design : N/A, Web Engineering : N/A
久しぶりに、大判のポスターデザインをさせていただきました。コンセプトを組み立てるときにはもうキャスティングが決まっていました。ズバリ、今の時代を牽引しているケミオくん!もう炸裂キャラで最高です。ケミオくんは高校講座のベーシック数学にもレギュラー出演されてます。 何案か提出させてもらいましたが、結局は彼のキャラクターが一番ひきたちそうなものに決定!写真撮影も自分がやらせてただきました。詳細は写真のセクションで説明しています。しかしながら高校講座関連の番組の多さ!みなさん忙しい理由がよくわかります。NHK教育テレビは本当に国民の役に立つツールだと思っている自分ですが、そのコンテンツが本格的にスマートホンにも進出!今回は高校講座とスマートホンのPRです。 Poster design for Kokokoza It’s been a while since I had the opportunity to make a large poster design such as this. As we were developing the concept the cast had already been decided. The youtube sensation, Kemio-kun! An explosion of color, and a regular on the NHK show “Basic Maths”. I submitted several proposals, but in the end I was decided that his character was the attracting force. As there are many programs featured on NHK’s Kokokoza, and a lot of people are busy, the concept for the poster is to show that the programs can now be watched on a smartphone as well. I think that NHK’s educational television is a very useful tool for the public. So the details displayed on the poster all indicate to PR for Kokokoza programs and their launch onto the smartphone platform.